Page 168 - chs-1976
P. 168
junior Takes Scepter of New School
Cynthia Anderson, 1st runn er-up
janet Summers, Miss CHS
The glamour of a big time Beauty By the end of the pageant, tension
Pageant was brought to the CHS Au- had built throughout the Au-
ditorium in March of 1975 when the d itorium. Finally, when the time
loveliest girls on campus competed came, janet Summers was an-
for the coveted Miss CHS title. nounced the new Miss CHS, with
Modeling sports clothes, dem- Cynthia Anderson 1st runner-up ,
onstrating individual talents and and Kelly Bailey following with 2nd
many personalities, these girls runner-.up.
worked long and hard for this spe-
cial night.
Kelly Bailey, 2nd runner-up
164 I Features