Page 190 - chs-1976
P. 190

French  Enthusiasts  Seek

               French  Club gives a student the
               opportunity to seek out and find how  New Challenges
               people in  a foreign  country live.
               French club was able to participate in
               an  International  Christmas Party at
               Valdosta State College, sponsored by
               the club of 10,000. During Christmas
               the French Club also gave a party for
               the Opportunity Center.

              The members of the French  Club must be en-
              rolled in the class.  The members are: Lori Han-
              sen,  Cindi  Morrow,  Mark  Clark,  Pam  Ander-
              son,  Perry  Tootle,  Debbie  Renaldo,  Susan
              Capell, Darlene Howard, Teresa  Rodgers, Patti
              Broshar,  Kathy  Gilmer,  Beth  Splichal,  jerry
              Bryant,  David  Scruggs,  Renata  Nemecek,
              Karen Boatright, Ann Toner, Linda Hunter, Gail
              Lee, Linda Glowacki, joan Collins, Dale Hayes,
              Goody  Summers,  Deborah  Montpetit,  Pattie
              Wilson, Annette Hall, Gay/an jackson,  Patricia
              Hattenstein, Debi Carnathan, Elaine Chandler,
              Lisa  justice,  Robert  Tison,  Kim  Anschultz,
              Nancy Townsend, Mark Waddell, Scott Terrell,
              Mark  Brown,  Michele Joyner,  AI Roof,  }ayme
              Konrady, Kim Guffey, Kathy Gilmer, Sylvia Fer-
              nadez,  Beverly  Pettibone,  Phyliss  Simmons,
              Becky  Blewett,  Marty  Martinez,  Lamar  Wil-
              liams.  The  Leaders of the pack are:  President
              Pam  Anderson,  Vice  President  Patrick  Mar-
              tinez, Secretaries Patti Broshar and Iris Brown,
              Treasurer Susan Capell, and Sgt.-at-Arms Linda
              Hunter and Brian Phillips. Sponsor is Mrs. Mary

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