Page 194 - chs-1976
P. 194

Hopes Alone Do Not Make a Farmer


                Being  a  member  of  Future  Farmers   1.  Row  1,  I  to  r  jack  Haltiwanger  -advisor,   Drew, Susan Zimmerman, Karen  Zimmerman,
                                                       Michael Th omas, Sentinel; Rodney Tompkins,   Walter  Rogers,  Mike  Pepper,  Ronnie
                of  America  involves  preparation  in
                                                       President;  Rodger Hadley - advisor.  Row 2,  I   Thompson,  Howard  Register,  E.  W.  Todd,
                co-ordinating farm  related activities.   to  r  Steve  Nail,  Treasurer;  David  Mann,  Re-  Donald  Bussey,  Anthony  Williams ,  Brenda
                These  students  compete  in  public   porter;  Mike  Nelson,  Vice  President.  N.P.   Brown,  Mike  Nelson,  Dale  Robinson,  Trudy
                                                       Bruce  Nicely,  Secretary;  David  Tomlinson,   Hampton, Sara  Minter. Row 3,  I tor Paul Mar-
                speaking contests, forestry field day,   Chaplain. 2.  Mr.  Hadley seems to really have   tin,  Randy jones, Randall Willis , Harry Wood,
                and  livestock  juding  contests.  As  a   his  class  interested  in  the  cow.  (up  side   jimmy  Disbrow,  Martin  Boone,  joe  Adams,
                member  of  FFA  one  gains  agricul-  down ?)  3.  Row  1,  I  to  r  Mike  Ballard,  Steve   Danny Williams,  Wesley Allen, Malcolm Dees,
                                                       Nail,  Billy Richards, Rodney Tompkins,  Randy   Michael Thomas,  AI Levings,  Alvin  Mershon,
                tural  knowledge  and  experience  in   Tyre, Rodney Cook.  Row 2,  I to  r David Tom-  james  McDonald,  David  Mann,  Leroy  Reed,
                actual farming techniques .            linson,  Tommy  Beasley,  Timmy  Bussey,  Clif-  Ray  Richards,  Craig  Bowen,  Lyndon  Lequire,
                                                       ton  Kirby,  Dennis  Dyal,  Cary  Meeks,  Pam   Mike Tice, Alice Tice,  Mona McClellan.
                190 I FFA
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