Page 230 - chs-1976
P. 230
Plows 'n Cows, Cars 'n Motors Vocational opens
New Horizons
Vocational Education spans the prac-
tical life experience skills of farming, '
mechanics, and construction . Exten-
sive new facilities located at the new
school provide the upmost in and on
the job experience.
Modern equipment facilities con-
cern saws, table saws, planers, ard
welders, tractor, plows, and plan-
ters. Career education is training our
young people for Agriculture of the
7. They said " It couldn't be moved". 2. Mr.
Crews talks about new masonry plans. 3. Mr.
H. Chasteen hesitates before going on. 4. Mr.
Haltiwanger assists students with an auto part.
5. Mr. Odom gets ready to leave for the after-
noon . 6. Mr. Chasteen enjoys working with
the students. 7. Mr. Hall makes the best out
of his lunch hour. 8. Mr. Hadley smiles after a
nice day. 9. Mr. Getzen finds a moment to re-
2 3 4
226 I Vocational