Page 221 - chs-1978
P. 221
Henry Jernigan ... 6'11" . . . 160 Terry Staten .. . 5'10" ... 165 James Allen .. . 6'5" ... 200
pounds ... He 'II shoot a basket for pounds . . . Hustles all over the pounds .. . Don't let your man push
any girl in the gym . .. Played since court . . . Dribbles around the out- you around . .. get those elbows out
9th grade . . . still going strong ... side and when you least expect it and get him off you . . . Won 't hesti-
Senior Letterman . . . # 14 . .. a layup good for 2 points ... Se- tate to shoot a 30 footer ... Senior
nior Letterman . . . # 42 Letterman . . . #52.
Kenny Troupe . .. 5'10" . . . 160 Gerald Hamilton ... 5'11" . . . 134 Kerry Yates . . . 5'11" . .. 175
pounds .. . Mr. Defense of the floor pounds . ·: . The thinker of the team pounds . . . Moved from manager of
. . . Comes through when he needs . . . Hustles all over the court . . . J. V. Basketball to a starting position
too . .. can shoot the ball .. . Senior even though there's a 7 footer un- o_n the varsity ... Senior Letterman
Letterman . . . # 30. der the basket he'll make it for 2 . .. #10
points ... Senior # 14.
Darren Hollifield . . . 6 '4" . . . 170
pounds . . . Long and Lanky .. .
Holds his ground on the basketball
court . . . 100% determination . . . ·
Last years most improved . . . Al-
ways doing his best . . . What a jump Sports/ 217
shot . . . Senior Letterman . .. # 22.