Page 232 - chs-1978
P. 232
Batter Up!
Left to right: Sam McAdams, Ed Larson, Keith Burnsed, Kevin Brown, Bruce lves, Kraig Miller, Jay Milton, Kelvin Bunn, Curtis Fluel-
len, Kelly Lowry, Mark Blair, Chris McRae, Robbie McDonald, Keith Shaw, Mark Thomson, Mike Tompkins, Tim Price, Brett Mark-
ham, Keith Ozaki, Ricky Bicknell, Bill Nelson, Ken Rucinski.
Coach Mobley, with leadership from
the Seniors on the team, will strive
to better their season's record from
last year. Baseball is a game of in-
telligence and skill. While chasing
ground balls and racing between
the bases, they obtain the satis-
faction of representing their school
as well as keeping themselves fit for
later life. Baseball also teaches
leadership, character, and self dis-
cipline. All the players will put forth
great effort to improve with every
game, and represent CHS well in
their hectic game schedule.
Coach Mobley
228/ Sports