Page 234 - chs-1978
P. 234
Swing Level and Run Like the Devil
Bottom Row: Valerie Walsmith, Carol Pierce, Faye Mclntash, Denise Hanna, Melody Hendrick, Debbie Griffin, Heidi Wynn, Coach
Busby; Top Row: Rachel Pierce, Regina Mobley mgr., Teresa Gray, JoAnn Kirsch, Cathy Jo Baskette, Deanna Brown, Holly Gay, Gin-
dee Baskette, Cheryl Bedenbaugh, Barbara Nettles, not pic Sherry Hale.
The female athletes of this day and
age have very few chances to show
their athletic abilities to the public.
But the young women of C.H.S.
don't realize this, as they participate
competitively in many sports.
One of these areas is softball. With
their new coach, Mrs. Busby, the
Girls Tiger Softball team strive for
that perfect record and a confer-
ence championship. Their play dur-
ing these inter-city games, is a re-
sult of many. hard hours of practice
after school. Girls may still be made
of sugar, spice, and everything nice,
but when they come out of that
dugout, it's all business.
(1) Coach Busby (2) Holly Gay #4 (3) Rachel
Pierce # 14 ( 4) Cindee Baskette # 10 (5) Bar-
bara Nettles # 22 (6) Teresa Gray # 5 (7)
Cheryl Bedenbaugh # 20.
230/ Softball