Page 259 - chs-1978
P. 259
Do You Speak French?
French Club is a very active group
made up of students from the
French classes. They have sup-
ported many Tiger activities and
many of their own. For example,
they have done a lot for the Oppor-
tunity Center, French Club students
assisted with the Special Olympics
and chaperoned a group from the
Opportunity Center to Disney World.
They also held a Christmas party at
the center where they had cake and
ice cream and they sang songs. The
club attended a French play in Jack-
sonville called "The Little Prince."
They also attended Foreign Lan-
guage Day in Valdosta. This gave
them a chance to meet French stu-
dents from other schools and test
their skills. During spring break a
group from Lake City took a trip to
France where they saw many histor-
icallandmarks and met Frenchmen.
What an experience! There was a
French club car in the homecoming
parade, and a sign on the field. The
sign reads "Les Tigres Sont Magni-
fiques" which means the Tigers Are
Pic 1-S. Campus Bottom row-left to right: McCranie, Ann Geibeig, Beth Atwood, Karen
David Anderson, Robert Waldron, Dan Moss, Gardener, Dawn Childs, Kenny Patterson,
Patrick Martinez. 2nd row: Rhonda Jackson, Kelly Lord, Fran Brown, Mike Miles, Vannessa
Teresa Newcomb, Christa Myer, JoAnna Wilks, Susan Knight, David Bates, Wanda Wil-
Demas, Beverly Brown, Jeanie Boone, Janet son, Judy Mayo, Beth George, Tracy
King, Terri Osborne, Debra Hull, Joe Morri- McAllister, Marie Romine, Debbie Martin,
son. 3rd row: Audrey Christie, Darlene Rosie Wimberly, Bert Marks, Brenda Price,
Parker, Dottie Jones, Marcia Sheely, Debra Not Pictured Steve Osborn. Pic 3 French club
Robarts, Janie Minor, Kelly Carson, Richard officers Christa Myers Vice-President, Janet
Collins, Tracie Hair, Laurie Page. 4th row: King President, Terri Osborne Secretary, Kar-
Mrs. Barker, Chris Jones, Donna Ellis, Debbie lyn Gansel Sargent at Arms, Buddy Hines
Brown, Cathy Hutchinson, Nan Huggins, Treasurer, Rene Count Historian.
Brian Phillips, Rene Counts, Karlyn Gansel.
5th row: Lucy Dekle, Deborah Ford, Sheila
Cole, Andrew Williams, Janice McCray, Steve
Pace, Cecey Wynn, Libby Witt, David Carrol.
6th row: Karen Potter, Rhonda Vannoy, Judy
Hanson, Dennis White, David Boutwell, Grant
Simmons, Roger Lawton, Steve Love, Roger
Brunner, 7th row: Joey Weeks, Mark McCray, .
Chris McRae, Mike Lord, Thomas Price,
Terry Crews, Buddy Hines, Cary Maxwell, Ta-
ren Harrington. Not Pictured-Stanley An-
ders, Beverly Crews, Terry Crews, Sharon
Dicks, Iris Brown, Bonnie Guffey, Cindy
O'Cain, Peggy Peele, Mark Phillip, Karen Pot-
ter, Keith Shaw, Melissa Cole, Sharon Dicks,
Kelly Lowery, Ann Smithey, Becki Wilcox. Pic
2-N. Campus left to right row 1: Angie Helm,
Omega Wilkerson, Angie Crews, Tami Goss,
Mary Nell Haley, Angela Breza, Marilyn Gei-
beig, Susan Boone, Keith Ozaki, Kenny Mont- ·
gomery, Laura Peele, Ricky Bicknell, Mike
Clubs/ 255