Page 262 - chs-1978
P. 262

CBE  learns  the  ways  of the  working  world


                  Cooperative  Business  Education  is
                  formed  of  17 young  working  girls,
                  who  attend school  half a  day  then
                  move  on  to  work.  The  girls  work in
                  businesses  in  the  afternoon  learn-
                  ing the responsibility of having a job
                  and the money that comes along as
                  a  reward  for  the  hard  work  well
                  done.  Besides working the students
                  have  other  duties  such  as  money
                  making  projects  for  the  employer-
                  employee  banquet held at  the  end
                  of the year,  and social activities dur-
                  ing the year for the group.  Some of
                  the jobs include working in fast food
                  places,  secretarial jobs,  and selling
                  merchandise  to  customers  of  the

                  Picture 1-Left to right,  Lynda Bryan,  Vicki St.
                  John,  Mary Steele,  Brenda  Pettyjohn,  Twylia
                  Stuart. Middle Row-Patty O'Cain,  Teresa Ed-
                  wards,  Patricia  Watkins,  Jeanie  Calloway,
                  Ethel  Christie,  Phyllis  Martin,  Sharon  Lynch.
                  Top  Row-Peggy Ballard,  Kathy McLeod, An-
                  nette  Duckwiler.  Picture  2-president,  Patri-
                  cia  Watkins,  Vice-President,  Phyllis  Martin,
                  Secretary,  Vicki  St.  John,  Treasurer,  Kathy
                  McLeod,  Parliamentarian, Mary Steele,  Histo-
                  rian,  Peggy Ballard, Annette Duckwiler.

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