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P. 271

A  Little  Bit  of  Music

         The  C.H.S.  Ensemble  is  a  per-     Pic  2-Walthea  White,  Joan  Tucker,  Evette   Pic  3-Kelvin  Holton,  Russ  Buscher,  Evette
         forming  group  under  the  direction.   Thomas,  Mary  Ann  Flowers,  Teresa  Gray,   Thomas,  Gina Summer,  Tammy Hood, Randy
                                                Phylis Martin, Danny Franks, Jim Farelli, Kel-  Flecther, Beverly Brown,  Terry Hunter,  Sileen
         of Mr.  Norman  Choice.  Mr.  Choice   vin  Holton,  Kenny  Troupe,  Randy  Flecther,   Hunter,  Vivian  Bradley,  Steve  Garland,  Clar-
         helps  to  add  a  bit  of music  to  the   Kelvin  Martin,  Aileen  Griffin,  Vivian  Bradley,   ence  Troupe,  Tom  Copeland,  Luther Fralick,
                                                Claudia  Owens,  Beverly  Brown,  Tammy   Tony  Douglas,  Steve  Wheeler,  JoAnna  How-
         CHS student body. Not only do they
                                                McCloskey,  Tammy  Hood,  Brenda  Fraser,   ell,  Claudia  Owens,  Larry  Snowden,  Pic
         perform  in  the  school  programs,    Anna  Anderson,  Paula  Graham,  Bonnie  Guf-  4-Danny Franks,  Jim  Farelli,  Kelvin  Holton,
         they  are  also  a  vital  part  of many   fey, Russ Buscher, Teri Hunter,  Kenny Powell,   Clarence Troupe, Randy Flecther,  Russ Bues-
         community activities.                  Ted  Gimmer,  Tony  Douglas,  Doug  Johnson,   cher,  Terry Hunter,  Ted  Gimmer, Tony Doug-
                                                Tawanda  Bowles,  bavenia  Williams,  Linda   las,  Doug  Johnson,  Steve  Garland,  David
                                                McGuire,  David  Cox,  Steve  Wheeler,  Luther   Cox,  Steve  Wheeler,  Luther  Fralick,  Kenny
                                                Fralick,  Tom  Copeland,  Dale  Douglas,  Larry   Powell,  Dale  Douglas,  Tom  Copeland,  Larry
                                                Winningham,  Steve  Garland, JoAnna  Howell,   Winningham
                                                Gina  Summers,  Kelly  Lord,  Debbie  Pannell,

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