Page 164 - chs-1979
P. 164

John  Paul  II  Charms  the  Crowds

                                                  Karol  Cardinal  Wojtyla  began  assert-  the  cardinals  of the  church  filed  for-
                                                  ing a vigorous personal style  almost as   ward  to  pay  him  homage,  he  spoke
                                                  soon as  the white palium of office  was   warmly  and  at  length  with  each.  He
                                                  draped  around  his  shoulders.  He  is   addressed  the  crowd  fluently  in  five
                                                  now known  as  Pope John  Paul II,  age   languages,  then  plunged  into  their
                                                  58,  who  is  the  263rd  successor  to  St.   midst  to  shake  outstretched  hands.
                                                  Peter and spiritual leader of some 700   John Paul II has charmed the hearts of
                                                  million  Roman Catholics.              many  since  his .vestment.  He  has  also
                                                                                         set  his  own  firm,  unpredictable  style.
                                                  More than 200,000 people were packed   The  Pope  is  concerned  for  all  and
                                                  into St. Peter's Square when Pope Paul   plans to  do all  he can for the goodwill
                                                  received  the  ceremonial  vestment.  As   of the Catholics.

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