Page 165 - chs-1979
P. 165
Close, Yet So Far Away
Carter Administration is more pessi- troops and the role of United Nations body was angrier about the Israeli's ac-
mistic about the outcome of the Wash- forces, and Israeli navigation rights in tion than Jimmy Carter. The linkage is
ington peace talks between Egypt and the Gulf of Suez. Egypt and Israel had particularly important to Sadat, who is
Israel than it has been since negotia- also reached a meeting of minds on the trying to convince the moderate Arab
tions began. "Right now there is psy- future of two Israel-built airbases in states, and especially Saudi Arabia,
chological warfare," said a ranking Is- Sinai and the number and size of that he is not selling out the Arab
rael official. "And only the side with Egyptian fortifications in the desert cause but is working for an overall set-
the stronger nerves will manage." peninsula. tlement. A second issue holding up the
There is growing concern at the White Washington negotiations concerns
House that the talks might actually The main obstacle is finding the right Sinai Oil.
fail. Anwar Sadat gloomily remarked language for the thorniest problem of
that he would not be astonished to see all: the "linkage" between the treaty On balance it seemed likely that the
the negotiations break down. and further negotiations toward a Egyptians and the Israelis woul~ be
wider peace between Israel and its able to resolve their remaining differ-
The draft peace treaty was "75% to other Arab neighbors. The Israeli Cab- ences in time to sign the treaty by the
80%" complete. The two sides had inet rejected a compromise proposal deadline agreed upon at Camp David.
reached agreement on such crucial is- that Premier Menachem Begin sent to When agreement is reached, the prin-
sues as the end of the 30-year state of them through his Defense Minister. cipals are expected to celebrate the his-
war and the establishment of relations, They felt 'the linkage between the Is- toric occasion by staging twin ceremo-
the exchange of ambassadors, the loca- raeli-Egyptian treaty and broader nies in Cairo and Jerusalem.
tion of boundaries, the placement of peace negotiations was too strong. No-
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