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Faculty/Staff Directory Education at Florida Southern College.
A D JEFFERS, MCKINLEY- B.S. in Biology and
Chemistry from North Carolina University,
AFYOUNI, MARJORIE ELLEN-B.S. at Troy DEKLE, ANNE COLEMAN-B.A. at Univer- Greensboro, North Carolina. Masters in Science
State University, Troy, Alabama in Education of sity of Florida. English. DEKLE, CATHRYN S. Education from Tuskegee Institute. Science Su-
Math. Math Review. ALBURY, E. FRANK, (KA Y)-A.S. in Business at Lake City Commu- pervisary Specialist from University of Wiscon-
JR-B.S. at Forida Atlantic University. M.Ed at nity College and Jacksonville Business College. sin. Assistant Principal. JENKINS, ELZINA
University of North Florida. D.E., D.C.T., Fun- Clerk-Typist. DIENER, MICHAEL JR. - B.A. L.-B.S. and M.S. in Education at Florida A&M
damentals of selling cashiering. ALLEN, CAR- at University of Florida. Special Education. University. Home Economics. JONES, ALICE
OLYN R.-B.S. at Florida A&M University. DORMADY, DENNIS WILLIAM-B .S. at W-Secretary for two years. JUSTICE, JOHN
English and Developmental Reading. ANDERS, University of Florida. Math Review. DUNN, W-M.A. in Physical Education at Mississippi
CHARLOTTE KING- B.S. at FAMU and M.S. JEFF C.- B.S. at University of Florida. Biology State University. Social Studies. U.S. History
at Indiana University. Guisance Counselor. AN- C and General Science. and Football Coach.
and M.S. at Indiana University. K
of Florida. Math. KIRBY, SHARON D.-Bach-
M.A. at University of Florida. English, Speech
BANKSTON, THOMAS L.-B.S. at University and Drama. ELLIS, JAMES DAVID-B.S. and elor of Business Administration at Valdosta State
of Southern Mississippi. Civics and World His- M.S. at Troy State University in Troy, Alabama. College. Typing, Record keeping and General
tory. BARKER, MARY JEAN-A.B. at Oberlin Principal for 10 years. ELlZEY, PEARL I.- Business. KOHN, ROBERT L.-M.A. at Univer-
College, Oberlin, Ohio and M.A. in Spanish at Teachers Aide, Clinic. EVANS, JOHN E.-B.S. sity of Florida. Biology, Ecology and Aquatic
University of Missouri. French. BARTON, at Valdosta State. Work Experience. EVANS, Life.
VICKI G.-Teachers Aide-office. BISHOP, LELIA A.-B.S. at Hampton, and MEL at Uni-
SANDRA OWENS-B.S. at University of Mon- versity of Florida. Advanced typing, Accounting L
tevallo. Math. BOUIE, ALBERT R.-B.S. and I and II, Clerical Office Practice.
M.Ed at Florida A&M University. U.S. History. LAKE, BARBARA H.-M.Ed. at Florida A&M
BOWLES, EARDENE M.-B.S. at Florida University. Math. LANE, BETTY V.-B.A. at
A&M University. Agriculture. BRADDOCK, F Florida A&M University. English. LANGFORD.
LELAND C.-B.S. and· M.S.E. at Arkansas State HAZEL GODFREY-B.A. -at Blue Mountai~
University. Driver's Education. BRANNER, JA- FAIRCHILD, MSG GENE W.-Army, College. Work Experience. LAWTON, WIL-
NET F.-B.S. at University of Denver, M.Ed. at J.R.O.T.C. FEAGLE, 0 . WENDELL-Bachelor LIAM T.- B.A. at Wofford. Marketing and Mer-
in Physical Education and Driver Education.
Florida Technical University. Gifted Program. FEENBERG, CRAIG-B.A. at University of chandising, Fashion merchandising, and Estab-
B_ROOKS, LINDA KAY-Lake City Commu- lishing and operating a new business. LEE,
Florida. Civics and Social Studies. FLANAGAN,
nity College and Santa Fe Community College. MICHAEL B.-B.S. and M.Ed at University of DEBORAH F.- Business Education Board Field
Teachers Aide. BROWN, WILL 1.-B.S. degree Florida. Calculus, Algebra III with Trignometry, at University of Florida. Compensatory Math.
and M.E. degree at Florida A&M University. Math Review. FOREMAN, BARBARA 0.-B.A. LOFTON, HAYWARD T.-B.S. at Florida
Agriculture and Fundammental Agriculture Oc- and M.Ed at Florida A&M University. Ed. S. at A&M University. Industrial Arts. LONG, ED-
cupation. BRYANT, NORMA C.-Typist and Florida State . . English. FOREMAN, WILLIE DIE JOE-B.A.E. at University of South Flor-
Secretary for six years. BURGESS, DORETHA EARL-B.S. at Tuskegee Institute and M.S. at id.a. Distributive Education and Marketing cash-
H.-B.S. at Florida A&M and M.S. at Tuskeegee Virginia State. Earth Science. FOSTER, ANNA ering. LOVE, EMMA LOUISE-attended
Institute. Chemistry. BURRIS, SHERN RENE- LOU BURNSED-Occupational Specialist. Florida A&M. English.
at Valdosta State College. Physical Education. at University of Florida. English.
BYRD, VERLENE-B.S. degree at Edward Wa- M
ters College and Florida A&M University. Indi- MCCLAIN, GINGER L.-Teachers Aide.
vidualized Manpower Training System-Math, G
English and Reading. GAY, JANE MARIE-A.A. and A.S. in Business MCDUFFEE, JOANNE CRAIG-B.S. and
M.L.S. at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
c at Lake City Community College. Math Review Librarian. MACLAREN, GUSSIE M.-Teach-
and Teachers Aide. GETZEN, PACE-AET de-
gree at Abraham Baldwin College, Tifton, Geor-
versity of Florida. Spanish I & II. MANSFIELD,
CARNATHAN, WANDA WARREN-B.A. at gia. Marine-Motorcycle mechanics. GILLMAN, M.-Secretary. MANN, NITA L.-B.A. at Uni-
University of Florida. Psychology, Sociology, NANCY D.-B.A. at University of Florida. ROSCOE C. JR.-attended Lake City Commu-
U.S. History. CARTER, LINDA D.- Teachers English. GRUBB, THOMAS ALAN-B.S. and
Aide and Math. CARTER, MARTHA W-B.S. M.A. at Ball State University. Guidance.
Home Economics at G.S.C., Milledgeville, Geor-
gia. E. M.P. CAUSEY, JUNE J.-A. A. at LCJC H
and B.A. at University of Florida. English. CHA-
LOUPKA, ANNA MARIA-B.A. at University HADLEY, ROGER BRUCE-B.S. in Agricul-
of West Florida. A.A. at Pensacola Jr. College. tural Economics and Extension Education. For-
Math. CHAMBERLIN, CAROLYN JOANN- estry, Livestock production and Farm Business
B.S. at University of Georgia. Occupational Management. HALE, BILLY JR.-B.S. at Uni-
Work Experience. CHASTEEN, HUGH F.- versity of Florida. Physical Education, and Assis-
Lively Vocational, Volusia County Vocational tant to . Varsity football and baseball. HALE,
and Armed Forces Institute. Electronics. CHAS- MARY PEARSON-B.S. at Livingston Univer-
TEEN, KATHRYN K.-Teachers Aide for II sity of Florida and Florida State University. Ma-
years. Guidance. CHEESMAN, BARBARA- sonry Building Construction Trades. HANSEN,
B.A. at University of Florida. Enrichment Pro- SHELIA - Union University, Jackson, Tennes-
gram, grades 6-11. CHOICE, NORMAN LO- see. HARKLEROAD, FRANCES-B.S. at East
RENZO-B.S. at Florida A&M University, Tennessee State University. English 10. HARRI·
M.M.E. at Forida State and Futher Study at SON, DIANE D .. -B.A. at University of Florida.
University of South Florida and Colorado State. English a:nd Publications. HENTZELMAN,
Music. CLARK, PATRICIA M.-B.S. at Florida STEVE-B.A. at University of Northern Iowa
A&M University. Home Economics. COLVIN, and M.Ed. at University of Florida. Band.
WILLIAM M.-Masters in Physical Education HILL, EARL BRYAN- B.S. at Pfeiffer College
at Alabama. Social Studies. CONNER, WANDA and a M.A. and an E.D. at Western Carolina
H.-Secretary and Bookkeeper. COX, DAWN University. Physical Education. HINES, CAN
O'CONNOR-B.S. at University of Florida and DACE M.-B.S. in art education at the Univer-
M.E. at University of Florida. Math. CRESCI- sity of Alabama. Art. HOLLIS, CHARLES-
MEN!, JOSEPH- A.B., M.S., and Ph.D. at Uni- B.A. at Florida State University and University
versity of Connecticut. English. CREWS, E. of Florida. Vocational Work Evaluation. HOUS-
WOODROW-B.D., A.R.E., and A.S.M. at TON, PHYLLIS G.- A.S. in nursing education
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. at Lake City Community College. Occupational
Drafting, carpentry and Construction trades. Health. HUGHES, CATHERINE LOUISE-
CRIBBS, EVELYN-B.S. at Women's College B.S. in Math Education at University of Florida.
of Georgia. Home Economics. Math. HUNTER NANCY SUE-B.S. in Math