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Education  (CBE),  Shorthand,  Business  Educa-  ida  A&M  University.  Physical  Education.  RO-
                                                  tion  Classes.  MULDROW,  GEORGIA  A.- B.S.   MINE,  BARBARA-Clerk-Typist.  ROMINE
                                                 at  Florida  A&M  University.  Civics,  and  Social   RICHARD-B.S. in Secretary Education at Jack-
                                                 Studies.                               sonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama.
                                                                N                        M.S.  in  Administration  at  Western  Carolina
                                                                                         University.  Director  of  Student  Activities.
                                                  NASH,  KATHRYN  MULLEN-B.S.  at  West   ROOKS,  PATRICIA  D.-A.A.  at  Lake  City
                                                                                         Community College. Teachers Aide.
                                                  Virginia  University.  Specific  Learning
                                                  Disabilities.                                         s
                                                                0                        SAGE,  JOHN  RAY-B.S.  and  M.Ed.  from

                                                  ODOM,  RICHARD  GRAYSON-Attended       Northwestern  Louisiana  State  University  and
                                                                                         Rollins  College.  AIC  and  Electrical  Trades.
                                                  Florida State University. Automotive Mechanics   SHYLL,  JUDITH  R.-Math  Review.  SIM-
                                                  I and II. ODOM,  WAYNE H.- University of Mi-  MONS  ROBERT  HARRIS- B.S.  at  Jackson-
                                                  ami  and  Southwestern  University  and  received   ville S~te University and M.A. at Western Caro-
                                                  an A.B.  and a M.R.E.D. Math. ODOM,  WILL-  lina  University.  Athletic  Director  and  Head
                                                  ADEN£ S.-B.S.  at University of Georgia. Math.   Football Coach. SMITHY, MARILYN H.-B.S.
                                                  OWENS,  DANIEL  ELVIS-B.S.  at  Florida   at Valdosta State College. History. SPURLOCK,
                                                  State University. Art.                 JOYCE  NETTLES-Attended  Florida  State
                                                                 p                       University.  Teachers  Aide-IMTS  Program.
                                                                                         STARK,  KENNETH  HOWARD-Bachelor  in
                                                                                         Math at University of Florida.  Physical, Science,
                                                  PACE, PRISCILLA-Secretary. PALMER, EL-  Physics,  Applied  Math  and  Math  Review.
                                                  LEN  GOLDGERG-B.S.  in  Alfred  University   STEWARD,  ANITA  L.-B.S.  in  Business  Edu-
                                                  and  M.S.  at  South  Connecticut  College.  Math.   cation.  Beginning Typing.
                                                  PARNELL, ANNIE DAVIS-B.A. and Masters
                                                  degree at Florida A&M, University of Michigan,        T
                                                  and  Drexel  Institute.  Resoruce  person,  Media
                                                  Specialist  and  Librarian.  PARNELL,  DON-  TALBIRD,  CHARLOTTE  ANN  BED-
                                                  NIE-B.S. and M.Ed. at Edward Waters College   ENBAUGH-B.B.A.  at  Valdosta  State  College.
                                                  and  FAMU.  Orientation  to  Business  Occupa-  Business.  TAYLOR,  LINDA  CHARLENE-
                                                  tions  and  Beginning  typewriting.  PATTEE,   Teachers Aide.  THOMAS,  JON FRANK-B.A .
                                                  CHARLEEN  MARIE-B.S.E.  at  University  of   at  Malone  Co~ege and  a  M.A.  in  Education  at
                                                  Florida. Biology C. PEARSON, LILLIE MAE-  University of Akron. Guidance. THOMAS, JU-
                                                  B.S.  at Alabama State  College.  General Science   DITH L.-B.S. in  Education at Kent State Uni-
                                                  and  Physical  Education.  PETERSON,  GARY   versity.  Math  Review  and  Conpensatory  Math.
                                                  R.-B.A.  in  Special  Education  at  Florida  State   THOMAS,  LEMUEL  M.-B.S.  at  Stetson  Uni-
                                                  University.  M.A.  in  Counseling  at  Appalachian   versity.  Senior  Army  Instructor.  TOMPKINS,
                                                  State.  Emotionally  Handicapped.  PHILLIPS,   TERESA-Teachers Aide for 4 years.
                                                  JOHN FRANKLIN- A.A.,  B.A., M.A.T., Ed.D.,
                                                  Ph.D.  at  Tennessee  Tech,  Jacksonville  lJniver-  v
                                                  sity,  University of Southern Mississippi,  Univer~
                                                  sity  of Florida  and  Florida  Tech.  Chairman  of
                                                  Social-Sciences Department. Civics. PHILLIPS,   VINING,  MARCI-B.A.  at  Florida  Atlantic
                                                                                       University  and  M.A.  at  University  of  Florida.
                                                  MARY FRANCES ADEOX-B.S. at Livingston
                                                  State University.  M.A. at University of Southern   Learning Manager.
                                                  Mississippi.  Biology.  PRESLEY,  GLYNNELL
                                                  B.-B.S.  at  Bethune-Cookman  and  a  M.Ed.  at    w
                                                  University  of Montevallo.  Director  of Student
                                                  Activities.                           WILLIAMS, ADELENE R.-B.S. in  Education
                                                                                       at Auburn University.  Home  Economics.  WIL-
                                                                R                      LIAMS,  ERNEST  WILLARD-B.Ed.  at  Uni-
                                                                                       versity of Alaska and  M.A.T.  at Stetson Univer-
                                                  RANKIN, JACK G-B.A. at University of South   sity.  Civics  and  World  History.  WHEELER,
                                                  Florida and M.E.D. at University of Florida. As-  EULENE S.-B.A. at Tennessee  Wesleyan Col-
                                                  sistant Principal. RA WLEIGH,  RICK-B.S. and   lege.  Math.  WRIGHT,  DEBRA  HARRIS-B.S.
                                                  Masters  from  University  of Tampa and  Missis-  at University of Florida. Biology.
                                                  sippi State.  Physical Education. RING,  NANCY
                                                  CHARLENE-A.A.  at  Lee's  McRae  College,           z
                                                  Banner Elk,  North Carolina and  a  B.S.  at  Rad-
                                                  ford  College,  Radford, Virginia. English 9C and   ZEDAKER,  DORIS  MOODY-B.S.  at  East
                                                  IOC.  RING.  LOUISE KETRON-B.S.  at  Rad-  Tennessee State University and M.Ed. at Univer-
                                                  ford  Collt<ge.  Home  Economics.  ROBINSON,   sity of Florida. Beginning Typing, Bookkeeping I
                                                  GERALDINE D.-Bachelor of Science  at Flor-  and General Office  Clerk.
           nity  College.  J.R.O.T.C.  MARTIN,  CAROL
           ANN-B.A.  at  Jacksonville  University.  Algebra
           III  and  Geometry.  MATTISON,  ANNE
           MARIE- B.A.  at  University  of Florida.  Special
           Education and Educable Mentally Handicapped.
           MERRITT,   SHARON-Teachers    Aide.
           MILLER,  CHARLES STEPHEN-B.S.  in  In-
           dustrial Arts  Education at Florida State Univer-
           sity.  Mech,  RR,  and  Cl.  MITCHELL,  JOAN
           ANITA-B.S.  in  English  and  Library  Media  at
           Florida  A&M  University.  English.  MOBLEY,
           CHARLES-B.S. at Bethune Cookman College,
           Valdosta State College, and North Carolina Col-
           lege.  Mathematics,  Baseball,  and  B-Team  Foot-
           ball.  MONTGOMERY,  JAMES  HORACE-
           B.A.  at Davidson College.  B.D. at Union Theo~
           logical  Seminary,  and  M.A.T.  at  Jacksonville
           University.  U.S.  History,  Economics,  Bible.
           MORGAN,  HAROLD J.- B.S. at Slippery Rock
           State  University  and  M.E.D.  at  University  of
           Montevallo. Driver Education. MOSES, LINDA                                                              Faculty/255
           MAURINE-Masters  in  Business  Education  at
           University  of  Florida.  Cooperative  Business
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