Page 172 - chs-1980
P. 172

Coach  Justice drills the  Tiger defense.                Coach  Bradley works out with  receivers.

                Coaches  Sharpen  Tigers'  Claws

               Columbia  High's  coaching  staff      Head  Coach  Bobby  Simmons  is
             molds young  men  into skillful, com-  ably  assisted  by  Defensive  Coor-
             petitive athletes. They stress the im-  dinator  John  Justice  and  Offensive
             portance  of  good  sportsmanship      Coordinator Bill  Colvin.  Mike Hunter
             and inspire the players to give 11 0%   coaches  defensive  linebackers  and
             in  all  their endeavors.              Danny  Owens  coaches  defensive
                                                    backs. Offensive backs are coached
                                                    by  Billy  Hale  and  receivers  are
                                                    coached  by  L.C.  Bradley.  Hunter,
                                                    Owens,  Hale,  and  Bradley  are  all
                                                    former Tigers.
                                                      Columbia High is very fortunate to
                                                    have  Jack  " Doc "  Muenchen  as
                                                    trainer for the varsity  squad.

                                                                                                      Owens boosts spirit.

               Coach Colvin  advises  Bobby Duncan.                               Varsity Coaching  Staff

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