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P. 270

Columbia  High  School  Chorus

            The Chorus and Ensemble sing in         Senior  members  are:  Susan
          the  community  trying  to  spread  joy   Barnes, Fran  Brown,  James  Carter,
          and  happiness through  their music.   Marion  Cray,  Nellene  Crusaw,  Lisa
          The wonderful assembly in  the gym     Dace, Marsha Dicks,  Donald  Dohrn,
          will  always  be  remembered .  In     Randy  Fletcher,  James  Givens,
          March  the  Concert  Chorus  partici-  Juanna  Green,  Wanda  Henderson,
          pated in  District Festival in  Jackson-  Lisa  Hobbs,  Marcia  Huggins,  Kim
          ville.  There  they  received  top  rat-  Hyde,  Rosa  Jones,  Cynthia  Rawls,
          ings. The  CHS  Tiger Chorus took a    Rose  McArthur,  Joe  McGhghy,
          trip  to  Nashville, Tennessee  in  May   Sherilyn Oliver, Greg O'neal, Wendy
          and  participated  in  the  American   Ponce,  Cindy  Ratcliff,  Lisa  Raw-
          Choral  Music  Festival.  The  chorus   leigh, Ray  Register,  Sherman  Roth-
          members  were  busy  doing  many       well ,  Kim  Scott,  Melanie  Smith ,
          fund  raising  activities  in  order  to   Chuck  Snipes,  Donald  Steward ,
          help finance the trip.                 Ronald  Steward ,  Sheila  Tomlin ,
                                                 Cassandra  Tunsil.

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