Page 194 - chs-1981
P. 194
Front, Victor Bruce, Bnan Schreiber. Randy te.,.art, Ken Ruc1nski, Ltwi tokes. Greg Henderson, Middle Ro.,., Daud Btnnet, DaVId Nel on. Albert
William . Jeff Martm. Da~id William • f1kt Justiet, cott Granger, Back; Billy Hale (assi tant coach! Darryl Bailey, Maurey McAdams, Glen
Gnffis, Ja~ Dohrn, Buddy Whiteull, Coach Charles Mable} .
The 19 0-' I Tiger Ba eball team \\a
luc ) thi )Car \\ith man) returning en-
ior . Tiger ba eball game · \\ere exciting
and full of action. The team \\as competi-
tive and made their mark among their op-
Coach Mobley and Coach Hale Pitcher pra tices hi:. curve