Page 199 - chs-1981
P. 199
Front, /.aM.anda Alford, Jt/1 Pauley, Angie Fae, Pam nipes, Tammy Ingram, Ton} a Wtlliams, Mtddle; Sheila Alford, Joy Morris, Angie Haskins,
Sondra Varner, Tern Bruce, IIJaril}n Johnson, Ba k, Jane Ga1·. Carrie l+'ifhams, Dtbbte Griffin, Tamm} ,\orman. Lisa UM.iS, Gma Stngleton,
Mtlamt Htndrtcks, Coach Fatzmger
Thi )Car oftball team \\a Jed b) a new
coach, 1 r . Fatzinger. The girl practiced
ever) da) after chool until the) were read)
to meet the ~tiff competition from the other
choob in the di trict.
lo,fefantt Htndncks Debbtt Griffin