Page 217 - chs-1981
P. 217

Computer Awareness Club

                     omputer  \\'arene  s  lub met thi  )ear for the fir  t time. Club member  a  i  ted  chool per onnel with
                 record  keeping  and  other dutie  . They al  o  printed  variou  program  for  tudent  .
                   Officer  \\-ere  Pre  ident,  Danny Jenkin  ;  ice-Pre  ident,  roe  t  Edge.  ecretary, Wendy Bi  hop; Trea-
                  urer,  aria Loc  leer,  gt -at- rm  , Dan John  ton, Repre  entative, Ton  wille); and  pon  or, ~r. Denni

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