Page 219 - chs-1981
P. 219


            Adu or,  Lmda Mous; President, Kim Bochetll'; Vice-president,  8.1  Turner; Secretary,  Lynn McQuatter  ; Trea.rurer,  Kim  Lane,  Histonan. £\lelyn
           Smith; Reporter,  Marcia  Boone.

                    B • Club  erves as a supplement to the CBE Cooperative-Bu  me  s program, promoting  ecretanal  kill·
                 and professional traits in members. The high point of the year \\-a  the annual Emplojer- ppreciation Banquet
                 on   pril  30  honoring  those  \\-hom  the  student  \\-Orked  for  during  the  jear.
                   \rtembers   armen   kins,  Janet   nder  on,  Yerlene  Cru  a\\-,  Katrina  Fleming,  Gay!  \fcClure,  Tere  a
                 Parrish,  harlene Thomas,  and   an  Watt

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