Page 290 - chs-1981
P. 290

Darrin  Ford

                                                                                            Ro\  \nthony  Harrison
                                                                                            196 3  1980

                                                                                 nd,  when  the  un  wa
                                                                                 re\~ larger still,
                                                                                And  bright.
                                                                                 t  nightfall
                                                                                 ad and dreary,
                                                                                 he  flower  clo  ed  it'>

                                                                                \urora's dew  a~a ene
                                                                                K1s  ed  it  gently  with
                                                                                 ncouragement,  lendi
                                                                                Hope and  faith  as  mg
                                                                                 ow  the purple morning glory
                                                                                 k1ps  blithely  through  the days,
                                                                                Happy in  the knowled  e that the
                                                                                Dark  ~ill never again o'ertake the  flower,
                                                                                The preciou  morning glory
                                                                                 preads her  hope and  f  ith
                                                                                And  flie  far  beyond  tn  reach
                                                                                To a  orld of.
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