Page 291 - chs-1981
P. 291
,\~ Editor of the · I olumbian. I \\Ould like to ~ay that I hope )OU enjoy this yearbook a much as I have
enjoyed putting it together. I hope that a~ )OU nip through the pages, you \\ill find many good mcmorie that you
\\ill chcrbh the rest of )OUr life.
As the )Car has passed. I have encountered many problem. \\ith the yearbook but \\ith the help of a great taff
and advisor I have solved the problem~ \\ith ca. c.
special thank goes to this staff \\hO many times \\Cnt beyond the call of duty to publish \\hat I think i a great
Also a \\Ord of thanks goc.., to Jerry Field-, tan \\'ilkcrson. tcvc Knight. cott Dockery. Joe Benefield. Mr.
Ellis. Mr. Rank1n. oach 0\\cns, Mrs. Hines, \1rs. Pace, Mrs Rooks. the Faculty. my teacher , and my parents
for it \\as them that made my job a little ea~icr.
I feel that this )Carbook has really captured "The Times of Our Life".
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