Page 161 - chs-1982
P. 161
Members ore Tony Ausrin. Timmy Boker, Vivian Bonks. Ruby Bedenbaugh. Par Bell, Koren Blalock. Sylvia Bowden. Judy Bowers. Terri Brice, Lori
Brlrt, Flo Brown, Julie Brown. Lowondo Brown. Reniro Byrd. Virginia Corter. Janice Cobb. Condo Curry, Rodney Ooughrery, Fronk Denson, Lydia
Dlx. Kelron Ficklin. Janelle Flke, Caron Fluellon, Lori Green. Everte Griffin. Shlelo Griffin. VIckie Harris. Usa Herndon. Berty Hick. Yverte Hill. Dede
Holmes. Missy lmm. Charles Jackson. James Jackson. Veronlo James Corhy Johnson. Sandy Johnson. Faye Kellum, Abigail Jones Aren Jones.
Toml Jordon. Jamie Keen. Valerie King. Dione Lewis. Undo Lllrle Wendy Manning Liz Mason. Delio Maxwell. Porrlcio Mayo. Derro McGu1re.
Undo McKlre. Sharon Moore. Penny Moyer, Dwondo Newlon. Chele O'Neal. Shielo Pierce, Toml Powell. Rhonda Runions. Vicki Salzer, Gwen
Smlrh, Pam Swilley, Gall Taylor. Pinky Timmons. Rhonda Timmons. LoSobro Tomlin. Sylvia Tucker. Melanie Wolsmllh. Tokllo Williams. Chris
Williams. Usa Wilson.
Spirit Club gives students a chance to get involved and show their school spirit at CHS sporting events. The purpose is
to boost school morale and school spirit.
Officers ore Flo Brown. presldenr: Koren Blalock. vlce.presidenr, Janelle Fl e, secrerory; ond Julie Brown. rreosurer.