Page 165 - chs-1982
P. 165
Members ore Troy Adams Ana Albury, Paul AnroL Ester Ayes P.uben Bobun, Kim Boiey, Tim Barnell, Don Barringer, Dov1d Bedenbaugh. Betsy
Benefield. Joe Benefield David Benne!!. Andy 01gelow, Tommy Bishop. oren Blalock, Beverly Bolton. Philip Orodbaurne Joy Breidenbach. Allen
Brinkley, Sheri Brill, Craig Broome, Tony Broome, Jennifer Brown. Anno Bruce, Dom Bruce, Victor Bruce Fred Buck. Alice Burke, Cora Corson. Terri
Chorney, Susie Chitwood. Sheila Christie Jill Cissell. John Clark. Jon1ce Cobb. Susan Couch. Wendy Cousino Eric Dono, Gory Dono, Agn s David.
Delano Davis Wolter Davis. Lee Dorst, Tommy Demos. Wolter Disbrow, Scoll Dockery, Dwayne Donaldson, Jim Duncan. Howard Ellis Mary Epps.
Stephen Feldt, Janelle Flke, P.obln Flake, Loune Flippin, Alisonde Fountain, Luis Fuertes. Joson Fulkerson. Hi kl Gafford. Greg Gagliano. Evelyn
Golllgos. Mark George, Tom Glenn, Michelle Groves. Donna Green Glynn Gnff1s Donald Grout, Pam Hadley, Margaret Hall, Allison Hammons.
Shown Harden P.eglno Harrison, Trevor Hickmon, Yvonne Hl!e Ken Holiday, Chuc Hybart. 01lly Johnston. Wendy Kemp. Pot Kennedy, Stephen
Longe. Tim Lavery, Kevin Lee P.obert Lee Leese Leslie Polly Lones, Trocl Lowery, Angelo McColsky, Scoll McDuffie, Arlene Mayo Ken M1er,
Andy Miles, Kerry Miller, Jim Moon. Fronk Moore. Mark Muzzey, Honey elson, Lauro Nigro. Elizabeth Otelzo Abby Page, Kevin Pollen. Sharon
Porker. Lloyd Peterson, Jeff Plummer, Clint Pollill, Jody Porter. Paulo Posey. Andrea Powell, Glynese Pres ey. P.lcky P.ochol, Jeff P.oyl, Orenda
P.obarts. Mitch P.onsonet, Terry Sculley. Susan Sims Luronda Smith Steve Stafford S110 Swomy, Debbie Thomas. Carole Thompson, Greg Tidwell,
P.lcky Trowell. Cloy Turman. Sarah Vanzant, Orad Wheeler Lauren Whitley, Mollhew llhoms. Benson Willis, Shoryn Willis Ang1e Woody, Kim
Vor man. Jeff Yager.
Science Club is set up for those students
interested in science at Columbia High.
Members must be tak ng or must have
taken biology A chemistry. physics, sci-
entific research and other advanced sci-
Officers ore Lloyd Peterson. pres dent· Agnes David. vice-president, Sus1e Ch1twood secretory; John Clor treasurer
Jeff Plummer. historian: Tony Broome, Eric Dono and Clint Pollill sgts.-at-arms.