Page 201 - chs-1983
P. 201
Row 1 -Alice Burke, Tm Dees. Tam Matthews, ancy Mchaud. Chns W ey, E~zabeth KeUy. Rose Guadagnall, WyneU Corbett,
and Paula Lee Row 2 - Angela Holloway. Me1ssa DeprefT)IQ, Le~gh Anne Martn. Usa Gray. Lavon10 RIChardson. L1sa W son.
Penni Waldnn, Elane McNeely, EMzabeth Epperson. and s Kumemann.
Row 1 - Kev Rodnquez. Joe 1e Alford. Lon LOI"ller. Arlish Duckworth. Elai()Q Martn. Sondra Varner. and eUy ms Row
2- Cassandra Johnson. Brenda Smth. Brenda Herndon. Ange Gask1ns. Usa Stevens. Franclf"'e Chesser. and Mrs unnemann
HOSA Sweetheart Jome Greene and President Brenda Herndon 197