Page 202 - chs-1983
P. 202

Future  Homemakers

         The  Columbia  High  FHA/HERO
     Chap er is sponsored by Mrs. Celesttne
     Levy.  Mrs  Elzina  Jenkins.  and  Mrs.
     Pa  ricia  Clar  The  chap er is active is  Row  1 - Carolyn Jones. Paula Mack. Linda  Armstrong. Tyronda Wes on. Evette H • and Llf'lda  McK  e  Row
     bo h dlstric  and  state  FHA  actNtties.  2 - Sherr  Bates. Cindy Sm h. Betty Manucy. Dorothy Alford. EdWina  Bea . Tonge Cason. and Ray W

      F  A/  ERO  Chap er  pa  1c1pa  es  n  Homecom1ng  Parade

                                                      Lll)dO  McKire.  Secre ary,  Carolyn  Jones,  Vice-pres1den  •  L1nda  Armstrong  Second
                                                      VICe-preslden  .  Cindy  Sm1  h.  Pres1den   ot  p1ctured  Sherr  Ba  es.  Treasurer
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