Page 209 - chs-1983
P. 209

Bravo  Company

     Company  Commander  Donald  Johnson  Company  Members  Etg  h  Graders  - David  Btshop,  Russe  Dovts.   hoe  Earls.
     w  tom Hancock. Rtehord Howe • Alex  r   owskt,  Donna U  le. Shown  elson. Joe Ross, VerontCo Sm h. and Ronald   ms
       nth Graders  - Enc  Beane. Deborah  Berry. Eugene  Brannen. Henry  Brtnson. Candy Cosner.  Anthony  Dovtdson. Ric  Dov1s.
     Gethoro Fulcos. Po  Fro 1ck, C~fford Fuford, Go  Htggnbothom. Lu her Mil on. James Murray. Kevtn Robtns. Scott Sm h. Roger
     Sobnnskl. Robert Spradley, Serge Tordtf,   Ulicky, Penny White. Earl Wyche, Deborah Zetg er, and Mane Zerftng  Ten  h Graders
     - Bnon  Ferger.  Chores  a  au. Morv1n  Ktrby.  E sworth  McGulfe,  PatriCIO  Murphy,  Sue  Porne .  Peter  Swanson. and  Valone
     w uson  Eeventh Graders - Ronald Bowen. Robert Depremte. Lynn EUtson. and Chfford Worner  Twelffh Grode- Joe Thomas
                                Charlie  Company

     Company Commander Rtchord Murray  Company Members  Etghth Graders- Mark Appenze er, Pamela Bu  er.   m Dovts
     Dovtd Ellls, Sheijo Edenfteld, Sobnno Gamble, Ruben Gordner.   hoel Getger, Richard G   n. Theodore Harding. Troy Hodges.
     Brenda  Love t,  Jerry  Perry,  Robtn  Revels.  Joseph  Sherrll.  Stewart  Uden.  Alvtn  Willtoms.  and  Do  e  e  W son   tn  h  Graders
     - TtmOthy  Abbott,   cheat  Btekelhoupt,  Mark  Dovts. James  Goddts. Glendo  Higgenbotham.  Tolanjeone te Jones. Rtchord
     Lndberg. More Mathews. John   Jler. Robert Morgan, Wnton Norns. Roy RobtnSon. W   m Robinson. Rtchord Sutton. Thomas   205
     Turner,  Thomas  Woshtngton  Tenth  Graders  - Deborah  Corter.  Connte  Dovts.  Randy  orton.  Sue  Porne .  Koren  O'Steen.
     Lawrence Smmons  Cbffon Sparks. Roymondo Troltnger, and Donald Waters  Eleventh Graders- Colvtn   gon. Terry Stewart.
     and  Judy  Wood  Twelfth  Graders  - Steve  Markham.  Joe  Thomas  and  Vtncent  Wilson
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