Page 210 - chs-1983
P. 210
Delta Company
Company Corrrnonder- Me sso Depremo. Company Members 8th graders - Donlto Calloway, Kipp Davis, Norman Dov1s,
Gregory DuMII"'g Chores Flo e. Lonnie Harre . Terry Jones. Richard La y, Shirley McCloud. David Rpple, W m Smith, Tony
Stone. An1 a Stewart. Mark Terry, Anthony Webb, and Robert W son. 9th graders - Tracey Abbott. Edd1e Brewer, w· 1om
Chucko. Water Duron. Misty Gombe. Richard Hodson. Terry L1tt1e. Charles Moore. John Multry. Becky Murphy, W 1om Price,
Regnal Stewart, Chris Sweat, Cynth1o Thomas. James Tyre. and Delores W son. 10th graders - James Queen. Chuck Dol.
Dernc Edwards. and Bobbie McCio1n. 11th graders - Ronn1e Jackson and Curt1s Morns 12th graders - Anthony Darby and
Robert Collins
Echo Company
Company Corrrnonder- Ricky Rachal Company Members 8th graders- James Albntton. Euvorga1n Amparo. Tad Anderson.
ODv1o Brown. Cra1g Camel. adine Collins. David Doty, Lonn~e Gunn. WiUiom Hit Ralph Goodson. Phi ip Humphrey, Gary
Jordan. R1cky Mobley. Lawrence Oder, Laverne R1chardson. Jack Skipper. Denn1s Whaley. George Wiey, and Depeda Young.
9th groders- Victor Adams. Tony Alford. James Brown. Mark Charney, Mebssa Cowen, Scott Crews. David Falgout, Raymond
206 Johnson. Bnan Kaman, Laura Lew1s, Kenneth May. John Scarborough, Jay Wasdlfl. Claude W s. and Jmmy WWI1ams 10th
groders - Char e Banks. Terry Dov1s. Robert W'k.ox. Marvlfl Johnson, Tom O'Quinn. Eddie Searcy. Enc Stewart, and Randy
Thomas 11th graders - Stephen Burt, Evelyn Newberry. Ralph W 1s. Ray W 10ms. and She1o White 12th graders- W 1e