Page 238 - chs-1983
P. 238

(RiQ  )  Tyre,  Lebanon  - A  he copter  hovers  over  rescue
         worl<ers  searching for  VIC   s of an exploSIOn  that  eve ed an
         1srae   ary headquarters,   .g more  han 70,  ovember 12,

                                                                                 (Left) Beirut, Lebanon- Hundreds of tnnoeent men, women
                                                                                 and  children  were  the  v1ctms  of  a  massacre  m Sabra.  a
                                                                                 Pales  lf"'e  Uberat10n  Organ1zat1on  camp  an  West  Berut.  A
                                                                                 Chnst10n  millt10  group was held respons1ble  September 18,
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