Page 121 - chs-1985
P. 121
Auto Mechanic - Front Row - Jeff Hou ton,
Darrell Keen, Anthony Smith, Jamie Bunch, Odis
King, Robert Mixon, Milton Woolfolk, David
Terrell, Spon or George Perry - Top Row - Ray
Tillman, Serge Tardif, Shawn Egan, Robert
Power , and Matt Glover
Carpentry - Row 1 - David Broom, Rober
Daie , Bruce Elliott, Pete Crowder, Ruben
Thoma , John Young, illie Daie - Row 2 -
Robert Morgan, Jame Gardner, Bill DeHart,
Cleveland Engli h, David King, Kevin Couey,
Kendnx Harri , Donald Water , Clyde Bing, and
pon or orman Peter on
Carpentry - Row 1 - Elbert Game , Joe Bell,
Garrett Jone , \1ike Odom, Richard Ordaye,
Darryl Thoma , Bryan Wachob, Brad Brad haw
- Row 2 - Mar Jarrard, Darryl Ward, Gregory
ewton, Owen Harry, Enc ~mter, Jeff Hampton,
Mitchell Carter, Darrell Mobley, Don Jeffer , and
pon or orman Peter on