Page 122 - chs-1985
P. 122
Electronics - Row 1 - Michael Lim, Bryan Wachob, Brian Ferger, Gary ewcomb, Michael
Odom, Jod} 'vtead , nthony \\Ia hington- Row 2- Gar} weat, Jame McCol ke}. Robert Zmak,
Milton Woolfol . Doug Pogue, Fred Hac ett, Matt nider, Winton Thoma , taC)' 0' teen, Darrel
Sharp, Advi or Hugh Cha teen, and baron Boutwell
Masonry - Row 1 - Charles Kattau, Matt Brink, David Luca , Daryl Ward, Patty Pearce,
Dana rvtcCall, cott Rauler on, Bill Hancock, dvi or John Levin - Row 2 - Teddy Tomlin, James
Reddick, Jame LeGree, cott ettle , and Jay Yandle