Page 102 - chs-1987
P. 102
School Board/Administration
Diane Lane, Board Member; Roger Little, hairman of the Board; Keith
Hud on, Board Member Row 2 Terry McDav1d, chool Board ttorney; Jack
Haltiwanger, Board Member; Dr. ila P1ttman, upenntendent of chool , and Rich-
ard nder , Board Member
tudent ,
Whatever year are allotted to each of u , no one
ever know ahead of time; that i one of the " weet
my terie " of hfe. One thing 1 certain, however.
When a moment pa e by it 1 gone forever, and
nothing can recall it. o it i with the year in high
chool, which, for our enior , are only memorie
For orne, the e remembrance are tender and
warm; for other they are bland, neutral, perhap
even colorle . In hake peare' word , however,
"what' done cannot be undone." onethele , there
i a large-looming future awaiting all of }OU which
ought to be eized aggre 1vely o that your live will
be filled w1th time well pent and year well lived.
Take the future and let 1t be your ; make the world
and your place m it what they ought to be.
Fondly and with be t wi he alway ,
Dr. Ru ell L. Richard , Columbia High Principal
Dr. Ru ell L. Richard