Page 104 - chs-1987
P. 104

English  Department

                    Dr.  Wanda Gau  e,  Department  Head                                   hri  ty  Caldwell

                                Anne Dekle                                                   Patti  Good  on

                     Engli  h  Department offer  cour  e  in  grade  ten  through  twelve in  remedialfcompen  atory communication   ill  for  tho  e
             tudent  who need a httle extra help. Regular and Honor  cour e  are offered for tho e  tudent  who want a challenge. Journali  m cia  e
            are al  o offered  to  prepare tho  e  who  wi  h  to  pur  ue a  career in  the journali  tic  field.
                In the  e cia  e  tudent  become acquainted with modern,  merican, and  ngli  h literature. They al  o receive in  truction in  peech
            and  grammar.
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