Page 130 - chs-1987
P. 130
Dedicated To The Memory Of
~ ho wa nn Ru ? nn ~a a i ter, a daughter, a friend, a entor, a Tiger- nn ~a. one of u .
Probably the mo t tmportant thtng in her life ~a her relation. htp ~tth olumbia High and the people
here. Graduating from H and being part of volley ball, oft ball, and the enior cia meant a much
to her a a family he had made no plan beyond graduation from Columbia High.
nn wa alway cheerful, ready to help ~henever it ~a needed, independent in action, and unfailingly
he will be remembered ~henever I hear omeone .ay, "Hey, ~hat' ne~?", or "Go, Lady Tiger."
Tho e phra e eemed to be part of her. But he ~ill aL o be remembered by all of u for what he gave
u friend htp, indne , love- and reali tically, a en e of our o~n mortality.
oach Linda Oliver