Page 134 - chs-1987
P. 134

Season Openers

               Columbia High opened the  ea  on
             on a lo  mg note a  Gaine  ville handed
             them a  15-6 lo  . The Tiger  ' offen  e
             could not get  tarted and Gaine  ville
             turned  thi  into a  9-0  halftime  lead.
             The two defen  e  then  hut down any
              cormg until  a  Tiger pa  wa  inter-
             cepted and run back for a touchdown
             to  give  the  Hurncane  a  15-0  lead.
             Columbia  taged a late drive to make
             the final  margin.

               The  Tiger  traveled  to  Buchholz
             and played one of their be  t game  of
             the year in a 16-13 defeat. The Tiger
             trailed 9-0 at the half but fought back
             to only trail 16-13 with le  than four
             minute  left. The Tiger  drove to the
             Buchholz twenty yard line only to  ee
             the drive  topped and Buchholz hold
             on  to  a  victory.

                                                           Louis  Maxwell  breaks into the clear against  Buchholz.
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