Page 128 - chs-1989
P. 128
Volleyball - th port of the bump, the et, and the pike. It i th only port where
roofing an oppon nt, digging the ball, and going for the kill ar common practice in a match.
While many people have played in a backyard orb ach gam , an official volleyball match i a
different tory. You have only ix player on the court and each player has a de ignated
po ition uch an ou ide hitter, a etter, or a middle blocker. The ou ide hitt r and
middle blocker are r pon ible for play at the net. They are the one who block and pik
the ball. The etter carrie the re pon ibility of tting the pace for the t am and k pin
everyone talking. ommunication i a crucial part of th gam . Lack of communication can
co t you a match.
In our th1rd · ar with oach Larry Huddl ton we are till building our team. v ral of
our player play d in th . .V.B. . lea u Ia t pring and al attended the Lady Gator
volleyball camp in th umm r. We hope to have m r play r do the me thi · ar.
eason wa interrupt d two w ek b fore di trict tournamen with th
Huddle ton for u ing an in li ible player in var ity match.
during th u p n ion nd did a wonderful job. oach Huddl ton wa rein tated in time for
the dLtrict playoff . We fini hed th m with a 7-16 r cord . • ext y ar, with a trong and
more experienced team, we plan on having a winning a on.
- Renee Patt r n
Aundr a Waldron et the ball
high for a pik .