Page 131 - chs-1989
P. 131

Volleyball Coach


                                                                           Columbia High  ch.  I volleyball coach, Larry Huddle  ton,
                                                                         w  placed on mdefinite  u  pen. ion by Dr. Ru  ell Richard
                                                                         after hi  u  e of an ineli  ible player in  the Lady Raider
                                                                         volleyball tournament. Huddle  ton played a junior var  1ty
                                                                         player in a var  ity match in violation of a Florida High  chool
                                                                          thletic A.  ociation, Inc. rule. The rule require  a three day
                                                                         waiting period before a player can move from one level of play
                                                                         to another.
                                                                           Huddle. ton gave the following  tatement. "I did wrong and
                                                                         will accept the con. equenc  . I don't want the kid.  to think
                                                                         what I did was  right. I did v;rong in the intere  t of the team,
                                                                         not for  per  onal gain. I w  . hort of player  and had to do it to
                                                                         protect the player  ."
                                                                           Two of the var  ity player  une  pectedly failed to  how up for
                                                                         the tournament, leaving the team  horton number .. Columbia
                                                                         High  chool basketball caoch Ray Regi  ter filled  in for
                                                                   14    Hudd e  t.1n  during hi  u. pen  ion. Huddle  ton was  fully
                                                                         rein. tated and continued to coach the re  t of the  eason. He
                                                                         will r  ume hi  role as volleyball coach next year.
           n Tucker  tretche  to pa   the ball. 2. Pai  e  Barriteau dive  to
           r  the  ball. 3.  Pam  Fi  her goe  high for  the  kill.  4. Juhe  h1ver
      eep  the ball in play. 5. Dana Glenn reache  up for a  block. 6. Var  ity
     take  a break between  ame  . 7. Aimee Barker  pike  the ball.  . Renee
     Patt  r  on  and Juli  B  eler  weat it out  t  practice. 9.  Brenda John
     hu  tie  for the ball. 10. Teri  pel and  imee Barker unwind at  lickey
     D'  after a game. 11. Aundrea Waldron  et  the ball. 12. Renee Patter  on
     and Brenda John  prepare to receive  erve. 13. Paige Barriteau  how
     h  r  t  1 • 14. Tamm  William   rve  the ball.

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