Page 171 - chs-1989
P. 171

I think my brain is wind blown  .. • But I don't know
                                                                          why?!?" D.M. Do urea ly know everything??- Doug-
                                                                          I just sa1d that!, J.E. Bowreguard, Ma  o  baseba  .
                                                                          let's not. Than  s mom and dad -I Love You- M.R ....
                                                                          oops .  . sorry officer .  . U can't eat!! Class of '89 go
                                                                          do the Wild Thing!!  Brian  Williams  #?

                                                                             Hey guys, I'm going to mss yo!  Mom. Thanks  for
                                                                           everything I Love You' Stac1. you're the greates  sis
                                                                           anyone could ever have.; Hey C.B.- GOOD MOR  -
                                                                           lNG!.  T.S ..  L.W ..  HEEE-AH!  Karate Kid.  the 3 Amigos;
                                                                           M.P. Rise-n-sh1ne!; E.Y .. C.C ..  S.B .•  S.S., Ya'll STICK ITI;
                                                                           Free-be; S.H ..  V.S .•  E.H, K.D ..  G.W.,  J.P .•  P.J ..  How's
                                                                           the B1g  Apple? ... Have any watches? ... You'll go
                                                                           down In HIS-TOR-YYYI; S.H., C.B, J.W .. V.S .• SKIPS to-
                                                                           day?; Mlche e. Scott. There's NO MORE  ROOM.  MI-
                                                                           chele love you li  e a sis; C.B ..  did you get the joke;
                                                                            .. its  too  hot!,  can  we  stay  at  your  house?  ...
                                                                           Scooter ... Bathroom.; L.C. need a ride?, H.M.  your
                                                                           ha1r  looks  great; M.P.  E.Y ..  C.C ..  How's  I.S.S.?.  L.L.
                                                                           HAPPY  BIRTHDAY!;  Coach  Wolf  can  we  go?; M.P ..
                                                                           P.W ..  THE  3 Mus  eteers; T.B ..  cusins  forever.  cheer-
                                                                           leaders,  stuntmen,  remember  . . .  everybody  SIT
                                   I                                       DOWN!. "I'm clue-less", RAH-RAH forever!. C. B., Skip,
                                                                           EEEE!.  S.B .... Haygood Blood ... : S.S. toge her we
                                                                           stand. MD  Jam i  !;  G.K.  Did  you do your physics?;
                                                                           C B. Best  Fnends  Forever; Seniors  we did i I Good-
                                                                           luck.;  Thanks  for  be1ng  such  grea  friends; Mi  e  I'll
                                                                           never forget our good ttmes, I LOVE  YOU AL WA YSI
                                                                           . .  Traci Lee Haygood #48

                                                                                         A.O. is B.S. dead? If not where are my
                                                                                       coo  es? B W. TOPDOGSI S.M. Let's no
                                                                                       go  to  Hardee's!  Sonya  and  Donna
                                                                                        han  s for the hair-sol T.D. what do we
                                                                                       do 1n English? L.S. you made a msta  e?!
                                                                                       Sit on your hands! S.M., M.K .• K.B. Rober
                                                                                       Plant  and  Melonballsl  LET'S  HAVE  A
                                                                                       COOKOUT!  Skipper.  Let  me  tell  you
                                                                                       how It was! Man she 1s  fine! G.M.  COL-
                                                                                       ORS!  "That  door  won't  open!  B.W.
                                                                                       what's  you  mom  cook1ng  for  lunch?
                                                                                       Hey.l'm not an electrician! S.B. are you
                                                                                       taking me to lunch? K.J. what does  ha
                                                                                       tongue mean? S.S.  when you take me
                                                                                       o d1nner.  that'll be my Chris  mas pre-
                                                                                       sent.  C.P.  Let  him  have  1tl  TEMPEST!?
                                                                                       Love  you  Mom  and Dad'  FSU  bound!
                                                                                       Greg "Kaz." Kazmiers  i

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