Page 167 - chs-1989
P. 167
Hey Everybody! S.D. This blood's for you M.A. you should've had a V8
V.K. See you at Woodboroughl A 0 .. A.N., M.K., G.M. I'll always be you
taxi! A.O .. You owe me your first born son and your f1rst million; you may
have won the battle but not have won the wart A.N. Swallow! Swallow!
You're just a trick of all trades out on eft imb. G.K. Robert Plant, Me on-
balls. Hardee's let's go to Gatnesvdle,lt's your turn to dnve! E.Y. Don't th1nk!
H.M. boutonniere?! Do you want to have a coo out? We'll to to Joe and
the Captatn! Dr. Gause that was OT in the notes. Mr. Mont. Don't forget
your binoculars. Do you want to play tenn1s today? We're go1ng o State.
G.K Are you really in love? UF bound! Thanks Mom and Dad! M.K. I love
you Samuel Darrell Markham
Heyl L L .. C.B .. S.B .. T.H .. S.H., H.M.,
G.W., Fnends Always' L.L. f1x he flo .
mont D.W.. K, G.B. My three amigos,
from Julia. K.K. I'm not a flo e. H.M. I 's
no minel Ret1red Dnll Team gtrl. hey
call me Jewles. P.V. you're too nice,
F F ,! Coach Wolf. L L. and I don't a ways
sit around! and I do tal ... Pete and
Repeat T.H .. C.B., V.S .. S.H .. Where's
lunch??? Skp's again ... M.E. "Mar-
coney". E.Y .. C.C. Don't be too cool.
H.M.I do like your hatr ... Yes. I'll give my
cuz a nde. D.W. Who's happentng on
he soaps? L L. Thanks for be1ng such a
GRfATfriend! It's L.L. Cool J. (J.K.) Ma
Lee. Love you always ... It's me &
youl!l Best Wishes Seniors! See yo
around, Julie Ward #18
No, I haven't hit anymore trees! Becky, don't throw any inter-
ceptions. C.C. stay out of I.S.S. I AM the beastmaster! Manatee,
let's go hydrasliding' Robo, he ducks aren't fly'n. K.B., S.B.- When
are we going back to Horseshoe? R. . - love your big sis! E. Y. - the
one and only stic man, get a date! Live Oak- S.H., S.B , T.A., O.B .•
L.W.,- Who won? S.H .. T.H.- (Jaws).ls M.P. comtng today? K.B. -
watt 'til the cruise. we're Florida bound. J.E. - I'm s ill stronger!
T gers, we almos had i I Mike! E.Y. -I'm he champ! S.B. - you got a
problem? C.C.- you loser! J .. -Forever! Love ya' Mom and Dad,
Steve Smt h #60
WHO' WHO 163