Page 178 - chs-1989
P. 178

Keyed  To



                           L toR-   pon  or,  to Becnel, Pam Griffin, Bill J  cob  ,  a thy Raymaker,  targaret  hri  tma  , Donna Farr, Jennifer
                           Bran  come,  Iary Hank  , Paul Pottgen, Jeff Coker, Howie Mo  ley, Angle a Hore  ov  ky,  ean  tizell,  mber Rober  on,
                           David Chittum, Laura Dekle, Paul Vann, Lee Davi  , Je  e Chittum, Andy Dick  , Jame  Moore, Rodney Phillip  , Ja  on
                           Elzey,  pon  or - Mr  . Beverly Phillip  , Front - Dean Hutchin  on, David William  , Doug  forgan

                            Officer  ,  Paul Pottgen -   ecretary,  ean Mizell -       enior  Rep.,  Donna  arr -     orr.  ec.,
                            Angela Horesov  ky- Treasurer, Amber Rober  on- weetheart, David  hittum- Pre  ident,
                            Andy Dick  -     gt. At Arms

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