Page 183 - chs-1989
P. 183
Law, ancy 0' teen, • tichele Chafin , Greg • lackey, Phil Hearne, !\like Pomeroy, Kevin
ngela " 1cely, Row 2 - Ja on a h, Tia Banther, • ·amratha etty, • an Davi , hannon
pon or- 1r . Carol Wi e, Officer - lark dam-
on, ergeant- t- rm ; am Markham, Pre ident;
Eva Lynn Willi , Trea urer; Vicki Kirby, ecretary;
Th1 group of fluent French peaker. ha done an outstanding job thi year!
They traveled to Jack. om;Ue to the Florida Theatre to e "Cyrano de Ber·
gerac." They ent volunteer. to help with the Di trict ~P ial Olympi . . They
celebrated Chri tma. with pani. h lub in which they had a cook-out and
volleyball. During the Ea ter break they traveled to France, witzerland and
- - -- Germany. The . tudent> participated in the French Government tudent
1 .. -- Competition in the Celebration of the Bicentennial of the French Revolution.
Each and ever · one de. erve' reward for their time and hard work.
Mr . Wi e how her "real" Illinoi pirit!
FRE •• H L '8 179