Page 225 - chs-1989
P. 225
The /9 Miss CH Contest'
judges had a dtfficult task before
them ~hen they had to decide on only
one ~inner for the conte t. With
Kristi Fountain. Linda Fulford,
Dana Glenn. Traci Haygood, felis-
sa Hender on, Jennifer ~en • Me-
laine Parker, Lasha~n t kes, Lor-
raine War on tephame Wil on,
Gigi Witt, and Ttffany Witt as the
twelve beautiful young ladie who
were competing, it wa miraculous
that the jud~e were able to make a
deci ion. Finally, five finali ts were
chosen: Kristi Fountain, Dana Glenn,
Traci Haygood. Jennifer ~·ens and
Gigi Witt. After careful deliberation,
the judge. made a deci ion and the
new fi C H . Dana Glenn wa
crowned. 11 · (H. .:21