Page 223 - chs-1989
P. 223
aptain Gigi Griffin and Cap-
tain Greg Calloway
DIILL team include : Bob Zarecki, Joe Denton, Bobby Daniel , • 'eil Hamley, and Warren .1cguire. Row 2: Roy • 'lurray, Rodney
immon , Greg alloway, Bo Feagl , huck Lambert. Row 3: Terry Bennett, Tony weet, Jamie Whitacker, Chri Green, Dan tanley,
and Chri Wilke.
ECHO CO. 'lPA. 'Y include :
Le ter 0 borne, John Paul,
Richard Phillip , Robert
Ravndal. Jertrey Roger ,
Chri Reynold , Jame Rich-
ard Kay Robert on, .ler-
i a robin on, George Ro in
Derrick Taylor, Chri Wil-
key, George lien Kinita l-
Ien, Lawrene lien, 'lark
Bailey, Doug Barthelme ,
hawn reech, Aaron
rew , Ralph D loach, Joe
Denton, Octaviou Briey,
Roo evelt Fluellen, Jame
Gillep ie, Katherine Grand,
Calvin Hait, Thoma Haring,
nthony Harri , lvin Har-
r ·, ere e John on, .1arvin
Jonn on, Octavia Jame ,
haronda Jone , Chri .Ia-
lone, Brian 1acinto h, and
hri tin Officer