Page 300 - chs-1989
P. 300
They're Hot!
Canad1an Ben Johll80n, left, loo over at arch nval Carl Lewi at the fm h of th 100-metor
race m the I ·ummer Olympi at Seoul,. ·outh K rea. Johns<•n won the gold medal but wu
later disquahfied after trac of an anabolic termd was found m hi! ~ tem
Th tar of the 191<8 Summer Olymp1ca, clockw from t<•p: diVer Gr Lougaa won 2 old
medals; track and field tar Carl Lew1a won 2 gold and I dver, Flor n Gnffitb .Jomer on 3
gold and I nv r, and wimmer Matt Biondi c.lebrated With 5 gold, I h r and I bronz .
Marriage Ends In The Ring. Head Of The U.S.
PrMident Ronald Reagan and. oVJet L<'ader \11kha1l G<>rbachev wor ed
for \oeral yean to br1nc th two countrt tog t.her Afte-r a treatv '\\'
1gned to ehmmate cert&Jn nuclear weapons, 19 wu the vear the eC! of
th I leade went mto effect
\ 1ce Pr ldent George Bush, after rvmg for eiJht year In the Ronald
Reagan admmJStratiOn, got the expected nod at th Repubhcan ~auonal
Convention 1n .. ew Orlean In the ummer of 1 AA. H chotce for runnllll
mate wu unnpecled en. Dan Quayle of lnd1aoa. The pubhc opm1on
polls ho,.ed that the tnexpenenfed 41 y ar-old nator waa not a popular
The Oemocra went to Atlanta 1n the aummer of 19 , and dec~ded on
M1cba I Dukak1 , the governor of MaaaachtJSetta, to be 118 cand.idat f r
pr ident of the l!n1ted Sta He dectded to P•<k Uoyd B n n, a na r
from tfex • h1 running mateo