Page 301 - chs-1989
P. 301
We Care!
Did You
It becam an international effort of good will.
Ru ian and American re cuer cut through the ice
in AI ka to save two California gray whales. The Know ..
whale were trapped in the ice for more than three •
w ek .• ew media from around the world
converged on the tiny village of Barrow, AI ka, to
•. th land area of th earth • timated at
cover the uc ful r cue.
57,267,4 q mi (including inland water ), or
29.0 C" of the orld' urface area .
. . . the large t country i the . . .R.
Amid tear. and grief, thou and of people who had
..• the mall t country i Vatican City in
died of AID were memorialized in Octob r in ... the country with the mo t land frontier
c remoni centered on a huge quilt that w made hina.
from friend and family member of the victim . . .. the da1ly incre in the world' population
Each of the panel m ured thr feet by ix feet
and all 50 tate and a dozen foreign countrie were 215, 50, or 149.9 per minute.
... the mo t populous country i China
repr ented in the 375,000 square foot quilt.
. .. the le t populo country L'- Vatican City in
Rome .
• . . th m t p pulo city in the world i To ·a-
Yokohama :"\1etr politan Area .
. . . the old t city i Jericho .
. . . the larg t town area i fount I a,
Queen land, Au. tralia, at 15, 22 . q mi .
. . . more people emigrate from texico than
any other country. In 1976 an e timated ,000
illegally emigrated into th
••. In 19 1 ther w an e timation of 1, .7
men in the world for every 1,000 women .
. . • the U. . h~U the highe t divorce rate with a
total of 1,155,00 in 19 a rate of 46.49'1
... Brazil ha. the highe t murder rate v.ith a
regi tt>red 104 homicide per 100,000 of the
population or 370 people per d y .
. . • the country v.ith the highe t . uicide rate is
... the greate t amount paid by a ingle check in
the hi tory of bankin w equivlllent to
2,046,700,000 .
. • . Kraft ld out to Phillip 1orri for 13.1
billion .
. . . a total of 9293 tudenu wer enrolled in the
chool . ) tern in the 19 7-19 chool year .
• . . the average attendance was 93<'"" .
. . . out of the 9293 tuden 144 dropped out of
.•• out of the 9293 tuden 331 were placed in
in·-chool pen. ion.
... out of the 9293 tuden received
corporal punbhmen
•.. out of the 9293 tuden~ 3 were e. pelled.