Page 138 - chs-1990
P. 138

CBE             we·re  in  Businessllllll

                                                 Somebody  Grab

                                                 The  Phone  11!1!1!111

                                                  CBE  stands for  Cooperative  Business
                                                 Education .  Students  who  attend  this   Linda Moses. She feels that her students
                                                 class  have  an  opportunity  to  earn  while   have  Personality,  Enthusiasm,  Attitude,
                                                 they  learn.  Students  attend  an  "early   and  Skills.  CBE  students  are  carefully
                                                 bird"  class  from  7:15a.m. to  8:00a.m.,   screened  before  admittance  is  granted
                                                 then  they resume  regular schedule. Stu-  into the program. The students gain valu-
                                                 dents  are  released  at  10:55  a.m.  to  at-  able on-the-job experience as well as ob-
                                                 tend  work.  The  class  is  headed  by  Ms.   tain  classroom  knowledge.

             Sweethearts: Jennifer Jones  and  Myra  Simmons

             CBE students are carefully screened before ad-
             mittance 1s  granted mto the program. I have 21
                                                 Officers: (left to right), President -  Denise Bandemer, Vice-President -  Michelle Retrossa, Secretary -
             young  ladies  employed  in  offices  in  Lake  City   Deidra  DeRosia, Treasurer  -  Julie Beeler,  Sponser -  Linda  Moses
             and  Ft.  White . They're doing  a  marvelous job!

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