Page 142 - chs-1990
P. 142

Year after year Columbia High has an outstand-
            ing  Chorus. We  owe this to one  person, Mr. Nor-
            man  L. Choice. Each  year he  puts  out  a tremen-
            dous  effort.  He  works  closely  with  students  and
            encourages them  to  work  more  on  their own. He
            pushes the groups to excel. While he is probably
            one of the strictest teachers, he is still a friend to
            his  students.
              As always, this has been another great year for
            Chorus. Each year the Chorus travels to different
            places in  North Florida to participate in  the  Flor-
            ida District Festival. Students are judged on  their
            ability to sight read and their musicianship in sing-
            ing. If  an  overall  superior is earned they go on  to
            state  festival.  Here  they  are  adjudicated  again.
            Choruses in the past have continually won supen-
            or and excellent ratings. We hope they can contin-
            ue  the tradition.
              Occasionally students  wish  to  be  members  of
            All-State  chorus. In  order to  do  so, the  students
            take a musicianship test, which is based on music
            theory. They then sight read and audition the mu-
            sic that will  be  sung  at All-State. This year John
            Keen , Susie Burris, and  Danny Todd qualified for
            All-State. They  went  to  Tampa  for  3  days.  They
            worked  many  hours  in  workshops.  Their  perfor-
            mances  were  outstanding.
              The  Chorus  encourages  any  student  who  can
            sing or wants to sing to join chorus. It is an  exper-
            ience  that  will  last  in  you  throughout  your  life.
                                        -  John  Keen

                                                                Norman  Choice,  A.K.A. Choice  Jordan, shoots the  hoop.

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