Page 173 - chs-1990
P. 173

CHS  51      JACKSON  6
                                                                         Sr. Tony Camiel rushed for 152 yards  and 3 TO's to lead
           nation notices                                                Andrew Jackson High  at Memorial Stadium.  The Tigers
                                                                         the Tigers to a season-opening 51 -6  victory over J'ville's
                                                                         mounted a 38.{) halftime lead as Camiel scored on  runs of
                                                                         4,2, and  1 yds. Tigers outgained Jackson 355-202  total
                                                                         CHS 31  RIBAULT 8
                                                                         Sr. QB  Michael Cooper  completed  8 of 14  posses
                                                                         for 124 yds and 2 TO's to lead CHS to a 3HI win over
                                                                         Riboult  High  In  J'vllle.  The  Tigers  rolled  to  a  24-8
                                                                         halftime lead behind senior Danny Marsee's  42 yd
                                                                         field  goal.  senior George  Allen's  10  yd  run  and  2
                                                                         Cooper  TO  passes  to  junior  Daniel  Fulton.  Tiger
                                                                         defenses  held Trojans  to  just  12  yds  rushing  on  19
                                                                         carries.  _
                                                                         CHS20         EASTSIDE  8
                                                                         on  a  roln-sooked  field  In  Memorial  Stadium.  the
                                                                         Tigers  rolled  up 98 yds In  penalties and committed
                                                                         three  turnovers.  but  overtook  J'ville's  Englewood
                                                                         High 20-0. Columbia accumulated 322 yds, led on the
                                                                         ground by senior George Allen's 103 yds In  the first
                                                                         CHS 29        FLETCHER 6
                                                                         Columbia senior QB  Michael Cooper threw  for two
                                                                         TO's and ron for two more to leod the Tigers to a 29-6
                                                                         District 3-AAAAA victory over  Fletcher.
                                                                         CHS 69           LEON  10
                                                                         Tigers accumulated 516 yds and  10 TO's en route to
                                                                         a  devosting  69-10  victory  over  traditionally  tough
                                                                         Leon High from  Tallahassee. Columbia junior Daniel
       What's the problem refs? Gathered around in  a huddle, the CHS Tigers have a conference with the
                                                                         Fulton  scored  on  runs  of  55  and  62  yards  In  the
                                                                         second half to lead the Tigers with 121 yards rushing.
                                                                         Senior George Allen scored three TO's on runs  of 1.2.
                                                                         and  10  yds  and  notched  a  fourth  on  a  57  yd
                                                                         CHS  28         PARKER  12
                                                                         With a greot effort. the Tigers rolled to  a  28-12  District
                                                                         3-AAAAA victory  over  the Terry  Porker  Braves  in
                                                                         Memorial  Stadium.  Columbia  was  led  by  senior
                                                                         George Allen's  121  yds as the Tigers  rolled  up over
                                                                         300 yds to Parker's  195.
                                                                         CHS  51      ENGLEWOOD 6
                                                                         The Tiger stingy defense held the  host  Englewood
                                                                         Roms to minus 40 yds rushing and the  offense soired
                                                                         7 TO's to lead Columbia to a  51-6 win In J'ville. Senior
                                                                         QB  Michael Cooper passed  for  a  career  high  152
                                                                         yds. hitting 7 of 14 posses and 2 TO's.
                                                                         CHS 35  SANDALWOOD  13
       Above: Number one! Several Tigers run confidently across the field after securing a solid win. Below:   For  the  first  time  all  season  the  Tigers  trailed  at
       Serious faces; thoughtful minds. The players listen attentively to Coach Montgomery in the middle of   halftime. But after it was all said and done, the Tigers
       a game.                                                           rolled  to a  35-13  win  over  district  foe Sandalwood
                                                                         High  In  J'vllle.  After  the  Tigers  fell  behind  7-6  at
                                                                         Intermission, Columbia  scored  4  TO s  lead  by  sr
                                                                         George Allen's 122 yds and one TO.
                                                                         CHS 72           WOLFSON  6
                                                                         It  took  only  75  seconds  for Columbia  to  toke  on
                                                                         insurmountable lead as  the  Tigers  rolled  to  a  72-6
                                                                         homecoming win In Memorial  Stadium to clinch the
                                                                         District 3-AAAAA championship. The  Tigers  scored
                                                                         eorly. late and often to cruise to the first victory after
                                                                         Columbia's No. 1 ranking In the state polls. The Tigers
                                                                         were lead by George Allen who rushed for 169 yds,
                                                                         107 In the first quarter, and 3 TO's.
                                                                         CHS 31         SUWANNEE  0
                                                                         In the bottle of the two No.1  teoms.  the  SA  Tigers
                                                                         crushed the  3A Suwannee High  31.{)  In  Live  Oak's
                                                                         Longford  Stadium.  With  the  win,  Columbia  High
                                                                         regained the Oaken Bucket. the fo(Tled trophy given
                                                                         each  year  to  the  winner  of  the  annual  rival
                                                                         contest.and Its  first  perfect season since  1969.  The
                                                                         Tigers were lead by sr George Allen wiho gained 143
                                                                         yds  on  15  carries  and  a  TO  while  sr  QB  Michael
                                                                         Cooper added 2  TO's. Senior Tony  Comlel  added
                                                                         a TO and sr Donny Marsee added a 52 yd field goal.
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