Page 351 - chs-1990
P. 351

r:r in fieece                 Michaal Thomsom                      Chris Waldron
                     Academics                         Academics                          Academics

                    Brett Adams                        Tony Oamiel                      Ternita Green
                      Baseball                           rootball                         Basketball

                     Baccalaureate Program
                     Rev. Doyle Bell, Presiding
          Processional  .................... "Pomp and Circumstance
          Congregational Hymn .............. "Foith of Our Father's"
          Scripture - Old Testament     Brett Wayne Adams
                      New Testament     Sonya M. Von Vleck
                                       Secretory, Senior C1oss
          Invocation ................................. Rev.  Johnnie Merrick
                                     New Bethel lq)tist Church
          Welcome ........................................ Mrs.  Rita  Swisher
                                  President, Paent Organization
          Occasion .................................... Nicole Denys Brown
                                           Uason, Senior Closs
           Musical Selection ............. "You'll Never Walk  Alone"
                                      John Arthur Keen, Soloist
           Introduction of Speoker .............................. Eiisho  Hillis
                                        Treasurer, Senior C1oss
           Speaker ....................................... Mrs.  Mojorie Guest
           Musical  Selection ..................................... .''!  Believe"
                                    Deric Deon Newton, Soloist
           Remorks ...................................... Mr.  Kenneth  Herring
           Benediction ................................... Rev.  Robert  Davis
                                           Fist  Baptist Church
           Recessionoi.. ................... .''Wor  :Aarch  of the  Priests"
             Flowers and Ushers complim~:'lf  of the Sophomore
                        Maureen Williom>tm, Sponsor
           Baccalaureate services were  ~ponsored by the CHS
           Senior Parent Organization  and Ministerial Alliances
           at the CHS Gymnasium, June 3,  1990 at 8:00  pm.
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