Page 7 - chs-1990
P. 7

What  do  you  think  will

                                                                         happen  in  the  '90's?

                                                                        The  greenhouse  effect  will cause  the  polar ice
                                                                        caps to melt. Miami and the Florida Keys will dis-
                                                                        appear. "
                                                                                                  -Rodney Phillips

                                                                        "The  world will end.  Jesus is coming back. "
                                                                                                   -  Deric Newton

                                                                        " The  war on drugs  will become more intense."
                                                                                                    -  Julie Beeler

                                                                        " Increased  racial  tension.  I'd  like  to  see  more
                                                                        people make an effort to get along and treat each
                                                                        other with respect. "
                                                                                                   -  Lori McQuaig

                                                                        " Problems of teenagers  will probably get worse
                                                                       before they get better. "
                                                                                                  -  Belinda Knight
                                                                        " I am going home. "
                                                                                                     -  Kristin Solli

                                                                         What  would  you  like  to

                                                                                  see  happen?

                                                                        "A decline in the number of abortions performed
                                                                        on  very confused girls,  and the  end of the drug
                                                                        war. "
                                                                                                 -  Tammy Williams
                                                                        " Cures for modern diseases; a cure for cancer. "
                                                                                                 -  Amy Pennington
                                                                        " Greater  support  for  problem  children.  World
                                                                        peace and disarmament. Dismantling of all nucle-
                                                                        ar weapons. "
                                                                                                  -  Angel Lumbert

                                                                        " An improved educational system. "
                                                                                                    -  Kim Steward
                                                                        " More country music,  less rock."
                                                                                                -  Mike Pennington

                                                                        " Guys  will stop being jerks. "
       Students take pride in American spirit. JROTC member Gigi Griffin proudly cernes the"Stars and   -  Donna McNeill
       Stripes"  as  she  looks to  the  future.
                                                                        " A  return  to conservative and moral values. "
                                                                                                -  Desiree Michaels

                                                                        " World peace and no hunger. "
                                                                                                 -  Marlene Bullard
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